Grimwell's Blog
Craig Dalrymple's blog. Ex Community Manager for EverQuest II, now working on a secret project. |
1248 |
Keen and Graev’s Gaming Blog
Interesting opinions on the world of MMORPGs. |
2013 |
Journeys with Jaye
A Vanguard blog, ex EQ2. |
1537 |
Heartless_ Gamer
Life, gaming, and stuff. |
1792 |
Cuppytalk - Spooky MMOG Gaming
Plays MMOG, loves EQ2 and works with Areae Inc. on the development of Metaplace. |
1651 |
Clockwork Gamer
Just independent news, analysis, and opinion from a few players who write for the love of the game. |
1799 |
Brackish Waters
MMOGs are fun. |
1483 |
Ogrebear's Thoughts
Ex EverQuest 1 player, now dedicating his free time to EverQuest 2. And enjoying it |
1858 |
West Karana
Great blog from an excellent writer, currently playing EQ2. |
1963 |
Of Ice and Fire
He tried EVE Online, World of Warcraft, City of Heroes but doesn't seems to be able to stick with one :) |
1334 |
Kranky Kraut
Musings of a German MMORPG Nerd (in English). |
1395 |
Aggro Me
Overnuking since the days of yore to bring you more adds than math class |
1356 |
MMORPG news blog. |
1815 |
CrazyKinux's Musing
An EVE Online player with a life. |
1791 |
Kill Ten Rats
Ethic, ZubonDC, Nicodemus and the others, sharing experiences and opinions about MMORPG in general. |
1853 |
Tobolds MMORPG Blog
Currently playing World of Warcraft and Lord of the Rings Online. |
1673 |
Van Hemlock
An EVE Online, Guild Wars and Second Life player. |
1507 |