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UO Proficiency System E-mail
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Falckeneint sent us an email with the link of a new page on explaining how Ultima Online combat will change with the inctoduction of the Proficiency System. Basically, it is a system that puts some caps on the maximum bonuses you can get from items and let you spend points to raise this cap.
  • Cap each magical property conservatively.
  • Each character will have a finite number of proficiency slots (tentatively, one for every 100 total skill points).
  • Each proficiency will give the players the ability to exceed one magical property cap by a certain amount.
  • Players can change their proficiencies with minimal restrictions (similar to soulstones: once per day, not in combat, possibly restricted to a safe logout area).
  • There will be "second tier" proficiencies that give additional enhancement.
  • Second tier will have dependencies on first tier.
  • Second tier will be tied to items in-game (through loot drop, crafting, or a combination of both). This will make them a little harder to change than the first tier.
Cap - The base cap that can be achieved for this item property without using a proficiency.
Cap mod - The bonus this proficiency adds to the basic cap.
Proficiency - The name of the proficiency.
Prereq - The prerequisite proficiency you need to have in order to take this proficiency.

Proficiencies (1 st tier)

Item Prop. Cap Cap mod Proficiency Prereq
All resists 1 30% +10% Leather Armor Training --
-- -- +15% Wooden Armor Training --
-- -- +10% Metal Armor Training Leather Armor Training
Resist magical buff +5% +5% Mystic Shield --
Reflect physical damage 40% +30% Ricochet --
Enhance potions 25% +15% Potion Adept --
Hit point regeneration 8 +4 Quick Healer --
Mana regeneration 8 +4 Fast Replenishment --
Stamina regeneration 12 +6 Second Wind --
Strength bonus +25 +10 Brawny --
Intelligence bonus +25 +10 Wise --
Dexterity bonus +25 +10 Agile --
Skill bonus +10 +10 Worldly --
HP increase +10 +10 Tough --
Mana increase +15 +15 Wellspring --
Stamina increase +15 +15 Fit --
Swing speed increase 1 tick +1 tick Alacrity --
Damage increase +30% +30% Bloodthirsty --
Hit chance increase 10% +10% Ferocious --
Defense chance increase 10% +10% Elusive --
Spell damage increase 10% +10% War Mage --
Faster casting 1 tick +1 tick Anticipation --
Faster cast recovery 3 ticks +3 ticks Rally --
Lower mana cost 10% +15% Spellthrift --
Lower reagent cost 60% +20% Frugality --
Lower ammo cost -- -- -- --
1Leather and Metal training bonuses stack. Wood does not stack.

Proficiencies (2 nd tier)

Item Prop. Cap Cap mod Proficiency Prereq
Physical resist -- +10% Human Shield Mystic Shield
Fire resist -- +10% Fire Eater Mystic Shield
Cold resist -- +10% Ice Dancer Mystic Shield
Energy resist -- +10% Lightning Rider Mystic Shield
Poison resist -- +10% Snake Handler Mystic Shield
Reflect physical damage -- +20% Reciprocity Ricochet
Enhance potions -- +25% Potion Master Potion Adept
Hit point regeneration -- +4 Rejuvenation Quick Healer
Mana regeneration -- +4 Restoration Fast Replenishment
Stamina regeneration -- +6 Recuperation Second Wind
Strength bonus -- +10 Mighty Brawny
Intelligence bonus -- +10 Brilliant Wise
Dexterity bonus -- +10 Nimble Agile
Skill bonus (per skill) -- +10 Master of (skill) Worldly
HP increase -- +10 Indomitable Tough
Mana increase -- +15 Fountainhead Wellspring
Stamina increase -- +15 Energetic Fit
Swing speed increase -- +1 tick Haste Alacrity
Damage increase (PvM) -- +40% Big Game Hunter Bloodthirsty
Damage increase (PvP) -- +40% Manslayer Bloodthirsty
Hit chance increase -- +10% Relentless Ferocious
Defense chance increase -- +10% Evasive Elusive
Fire spell damage increase -- +10% Pyromancer War Mage
Cold spell damage increase -- +10% Cryomancer War Mage
Energy spell damage increase -- +10% Ergomancer War Mage
Poison spell damage increase -- +10% Noxomancer War Mage
Lower mana cost -- +15% Spellmiser Spellthrift
Lower reagent cost -- +20% Parsimony Frugality


Hit points

Max out base Strength (125). Base cap for bonuses is +25. Add Brawny (+10 Str) and Mighty (+10 Str) to raise the Strength cap to 170, for a base HP score of 220. Base cap for HP bonus is +10. Add Tough (+10) and Indomitable (+10) to raise the final cap to 250. 4 slots.

Mage (Rounded)

Parsimony for 80% LRC. [Faster Casting] for FC 2, [Faster Cast Recovery] for FCR 6. War Magic Initiate & Master for a total SDI cap of +30%. Fast Mana Regen for +4 to replenishment. [Mana Increase] for +15 mana. 7 slots.

Mage (Damage)

Wise & Brilliant for +20 Int (170 total). Worldly, Master of Evaluating Intelligence and Master of Inscription for +30 to each of those skills. War Magic Initiate & Master for +30% SDI. Total damage bonus: +162%. 7 slots.

Mage (Casting speed)

Anticipation and Rally for 2 ticks of faster casting and 6 ticks of faster recovery. 2 slots.

Mage (Thrifty)

Frugality and Parsimony for 100% Lower Reagent Cost. Spellthrift and Spellmiser for 60% Lower Mana Cost. 4 slots.


Leather Training and Metal Training, for a base resist cap of 50%. Mystic Shield for a total magic resist buff of +10%. Human Shield for +10% physical. 70% Physical, 60% all elementals. 4 slots.


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