Online Games News arrow Ultima Online arrow Ultima Online: BNN warns on Dark Wisps 14 February 2025  
Ultima Online: BNN warns on Dark Wisps E-mail
Monday, 19 February 2007
The Britannia News Network is announcing what looks like the next Ultima Online ingame event. After the Ophidian Invasion, this time brave heroes will be fighting the dangerous and obscure Dark Wisps.

Dark Wisps Reemerge as Threat
Anderson the Scribe Feb 16 2007 6:06PM

Not to be mistaken for the more benign Wisps found throughout Britannia, this darker breed of extra-dimensional entities has taken stronger hold within the depths of our forests and dungeons. Numerous reports of sightings have pegged the “dark wisps” with previously unseen abilities and aggression.

Travelers should be advised that the dark wisps have been seen entering a special shielded state within which they can rapidly heal themselves. During this time weapons and spells seem to have no effect; however, it’s possible to flee the engagement entirely while the wisp is frozen. Our readers may note that this is the first resurgence of dark wisp activity since the days of the Followers of Armageddon. While no sightings beyond Siege Perilous and Mugen have been reported at this time, adventurers are advised to be on the lookout should the menace spread.
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