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Friday, 11 May 2007
The recent release of Issue 9: Breakthrough has also introduced a few more City of Heroes / City of Villains emotes. Check the Matid's website for the animation of most of them, or read ahead for the complete list of available emotes.

To activate an emote, simply type /em and the name of the emote.  For example, if you would like to perform the Afraid emote you should type /em afraid

NOTE: You can also type /e such as: /e wave.

  • AFK
  • Afraid
  • Akimbo
  • Angry
  • AssumePositionWall
  • AtEase
  • Attack
  • BatSmash
  • BatSmashReact
  • BB
  • BBAltitude
  • BBBeat
  • BBCatchMe
  • BBDance
  • BBDiscoFreak
  • BBDogWalk
  • BBElectroVibe
  • BBHeavyDude
  • BBInfoOverload
  • BBJumpy
  • BBKickIt
  • BBLooker
  • BBMeaty
  • BBMoveOn
  • BBNotorious
  • BBPeace
  • BBQuickie
  • BBRaver
  • BBShuffle
  • BBSpaz
  • BBTechnoid
  • BBVenus
  • BBWahWah
  • BBWindItUp
  • BBYellow
  • BeatChest
  • BigLaugh
  • BigWave
  • Binoculars
  • Boombox
  • Bow
  • Bowdown
  • Burp
  • BuzzOff
  • Camera
  • Cellphone
  • Champion
  • Cheer
  • Clap
  • Clipboard
  • Coin 
  • CoinToss
  • Cower
  • CrossArms
  • Crouch
  • CurseYou
  • Dance
  • Dice
  • Disagree
  • DontAttack
  • Drat
  • DropBoombox
  • Drum
  • DrumDance
  • DrumLow
  • ELaugh
  • ElegantBow
  • EvilLaugh
  • Explain
  • FancyBow
  • Fear
  • Fishing
  • Flashlight
  • Flex
  • Flex1
  • Flex2
  • Flex3
  • FlexA
  • FlexB
  • FlexC
  • FlipCoin
  • FlippingCoin
  • FloatBooks
  • Frustrated
  • GoAway
  • Grief
  • Hand
  • Handsup
  • Hi
  • HoldTorch
  • Howl
  • Huh
  • JumpingJacks
  • Kata
  • Kneel
  • Laptop
  • Laugh
  • Laugh2
  • LaughToo
  • Lecture
  • Ledgesit
  • Lotus
  • MartialArts
  • MilitarySalute
  • Muahahaha
  • Newspaper
  • No
  • Nod
  • Noooo
  • OverHere
  • Panhandle
  • Paper
  • PeerIn
  • Point
  • Praise
  • Protest
  • RaiseHand
  • Research
  • ResearchLow
  • Roar
  • Rock
  • RollDice
  • Rooting
  • Salute
  • Scared
  • Scissors
  • Score1
  • Score10
  • Score2
  • Score3
  • Score4
  • Score5
  • Score6
  • Score7
  • Score8
  • Score9
  • Shucks
  • Sit
  • Slap
  • SlapReact
  • Slash
  • SlashThroat
  • Smack
  • SmackYou
  • Sorry
  • Stop
  • Surrender
  • Talk
  • TalkToHand
  • Tarzan
  • Taunt
  • Taunt1
  • Taunt2
  • TauntA
  • TauntB
  • Thanks
  • ThankYou
  • TheWave
  • ThreatHand
  • Thumbsup
  • Victory
  • VillainLaugh
  • VillainousLaugh
  • Waiting
  • WallLean
  • Wave
  • WaveFist
  • Welcome
  • What
  • Whistle
  • Wings
  • Winner
  • Wounded
  • Yata
  • YataYata
  • Yes
  • Yoga
  • YoureWelcome

Flying Animation Emotes

NOTE: These will only interrupt flying forward animations.

  • FlyPose1
  • FlyPose2
  • FlyPose3
  • FlyPose4

NOTE: Certain emotes that do not look correct on the Kheldian Dwarf models have been disabled.

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