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Friday, 25 November 2005
Looking at the official forums it seems like macro mining has become a big issue on EVE Online. It is an old well known problem, not cared about enough from the dev team since now. A lot of these macro miners are selling ISK (the game currency) on sites like eBay, IGE and many many more.

Players, in the meantime, are asking for the removal of the safe position of staying in a NPC corporation for players who do not want  to be decladed was against.

More threads are suggesting different solutions and whining, like here, here, here and so on...

Will be finally a solution taken into consideration? For a MMORPG which main strenght point is a 100% player driven economic system this problem can seriously harm the game.

So, let's wait and see how SOONTM a solution will put an end on this.

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