Online Games News arrow Planetside arrow Test Event on the 28th 27 July 2024  
Test Event on the 28th E-mail
Friday, 25 November 2005
There is a testing event planned on the 28 november in the normal game server, in the continent of Ishundar.

Playtest -- November 28, 2005 (Build 3.9.10) -- 3:00p Los Angeles / 6:00p New York / 11:00p UK

Continent: Ishundar

We will be trying to reproduce the unusable equipment terminal issue!  
TR will be set to defend Akkan!
NC will attack from the North West (Baal)
VS will attack from the South Wast (Enkidu)
YES!  The NC and VS can fight each other, but please try to do so within the SOI of Akkan!
No back hacking or Gen dropping please!  

1 - 1.5 hours

Players who intentionally fire upon other players or abuse the Orbital Strike during the cease fire at the end of the playtest will have their IDs sent to the CSRs for disciplinary action affecting your Live account
Instructions for getting into the Public Test Server can be found here
If you encounter a new bug, please use the in-game bug reporting tool via /bug.
If you crash to desktop (CTD), please restart the game and submit your crash log via the dialog box that appears when you restart the game. If a crash log wasn't generated, please let a QA Rep know that you had a CTD and what happened in-game just before the time of crash.

Thanks for helping out and we'll see you online!

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