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EON #2 Preview E-mail
Friday, 09 December 2005
There is a new Dev Blog and preview page for the next issue of EON, the EVE Online official magazine.
The E-ON Preview page has been updated with the list of content for the latest Issue! Included in this feature are:
  • Digital Communist taking eight Empire Battleships for a test drive,
  • More Chronicles and Comics from worthies such as Istvaan Shogaatsu, Winterblink and Herko Kerghans,
  • The continuation of Kaai's Trading Guide and a Tanking Guide by Nyphur,
  • Player and Dev Interviews, an EVE Collectible Card Game preview, FanFest recap, and much, much more!
So what are you waiting for, take a look at the E-ON Information page !

If you subscribe to E-ON now, you will also receive an exclusive set of six postcards of rare EVE ships. You don't want to try to collect this set from eBay!

There are less than 250 copies of Issue #001 remaining. If you haven't ordered a copy yet, this is your chance to do so. Once these are gone, they are gone for good!
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