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EVE Online: Live chat tomorrow E-mail
Wednesday, 13 February 2008
Tomorrow the EVE Online dev team will host a new live chat with the developers in a game chat channel about the game art.

We're back for the monthly Live Dev blog and this time it's all about our Art department. We will have two guys here answering your questions and as usual Mindstar will join us and help us out. These are the guys that make EVE so gorgeous.

This will all take place in the "Live Dev Blog" in game channel this Thursday, 14 February, from 20:00 to 21:00 GMT. To participate you'll need EVE Voice active and then join the in game channel and join audio. A recording of the Live Dev Blog will be made available at a later date.

Please remember that the topic is Art in EVE, other questions may not be answered.
Wrangler - Community Manager for EVE Online 
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